Saturday, June 25, 2011

In Detail

I haven't really complained elaborately for a while, though there are things to complain about. I don't really mean 'complain' though. It's more like describing my thoughts and feelings in detail to someone, except since there are currently more negative realizations and feelings, I call it complaining. And I think that perhaps only when you complain in detail and spit it all out, do you really feel better. Usually because the person listening to you says something Godly that changes your mindset. But sometimes simply because they cared to listen and understand.

Love. because listening is loving. And Love changes your mindset. And often the reason you felt like there was something to complain about was because you had forgotten Love. You had forgotten that you are loved by the One who cannot love you any more or any less because He already loves you fully. You are loved. Did you know that? You are loved. You are loved.

You are loved.

With that being said, it's great to complain in detail to God, to the One who loves you. and then encourage yourself afterwards with His Truth, like what the author of Psalm 42 does, and what I had originally intended this blog to do for me.

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