Wednesday, February 20, 2013


He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that what he cannot lose

 just reading through my favorite quotes. I can't believe this super cliche popular quote could still stand out

duh stupid. why is it so easy to miss the big picture.......  we can't keep any of this anyway; whatever comfortable great position and life state we are in, it won't last forever. You can't keep it. In high school, it was my teachers. Sadly, they change every year. And now... it's everything... any part of my life could change at any given moment. Working at a fast paced brand new continuously growing company instills this lack-of-comfort-zone mentality in you. One month you could be working with someone, and the next thing you know, they've been switched to another group. And the next thing you know you're in charge of their project instead. That kind of thing x10. Rules change, HR policies change, group dynamics change. In a way I'm grateful for this fast paced industry. At least I can learn (again and again) that nothing ever stays the same, and there is no one and no situation that I can ever keep.

Hard to let go of the planner and forecasting mentality. "Life's an adventure"-- Well, that's only really romantic if you are adventuring it with someone. And I guess I do have someone; I just forget sometimes. That's probably why I haven't been seeing it as an adventure lately.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Visited a Chinese church this past Sunday, where the pastor showed this cartoon

(One bite cannot make you a fatso, but fatness comes about one bite at a time)

And this applies to many other aspects of life as well, like spiritual disciplines, raising kids, making friends, living life

Monday, February 11, 2013

Your worship pastor has been removed

Have not been attending my "home" church for the past few weeks, due to 'visiting' other churches (I guess college patterns die hard--but i just want to meet more christians in the area.... ). "home church" meaning the church I have "chosen" --(as in chosen to tell people I am apart of lol).

Anyway I got this email today saying that the worship pastor of my "home church" has been removed due to having multiple full-on, ongoing affairs with several women in the Church.... I was very surprised, even though, in general, I am not surprised at these kind of things. The Church is really really biblical and firm in doctrine and emphasis on discipleship, etc. It's not one of those dead churches, nor one of those weak churches that water down the gospel. The people there do really try to pursue God in their lives, at least the ones in my bible study.

But, yea, it's not that surprising, since looking at my own life, I feel like I could so, so easily do something like that. Lead a double life and think that nothing is wrong just because I feel great. And what about the women who joined in? I bet they thought they were Christian, even while being involved in all that. I bet they were just lonely and fell into it. It must be something very easy to fall into.

We are so easily deceived, so easily led astray, so prone to wander. So, so prone to wander. That's why we need each other. People in your lives to say:  yo, what the hell are you doing. wake up.
People to speak wisdom and truth into our lives when that foggy blinding haze falls on us

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Come and go

People come and go, and you're standing there, at the airport. Not sure if there's any place to go or anyone to go with. Homesick but you don't know where your home is. If home is where your heart is, why is home constantly leaving. You realize you've found a home, and then find it is just as fleeting as the one before. Then when you've gone through several homes, you realize life is just like this.

Except that it's not. sigh. Thinking again too much these days. Actually not really thinking. Just emotionally weak.