Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's not a waste

Someone was playing the song "Let me love you more" by misty edwards on her computer, and I was baking and listening to the song for the first time. I liked the chorus, "oh won't you let me love you more, this is all that I desire". But what I liked even more was one of the verses.

I want to take my passion, and put it in a bottle
just to break it at your feet.
I want to take my affections and put them in a bottle
just to waste at your feet.

It reminded me of when Mary poured the expensive perfume over Jesus' feet. And how people criticized her for wasting it.

But it wasn't a waste!!!

When you are in love with someone, or if you really really love someone, you desire to "waste" time/energy/things/everything on them. To an outsider's perspective it's a waste; you're not being efficient; you're not using your resources wisely; you're not using what God has given you wisely; you're not using your time wisely. But you don't care. It's not a waste.

It's like when (some) guys buy a full diamond ring to propose. Dude... it's a ring. on your finger. Sounds ridiculous right? 10,000 dollars on your finger. But it is not a waste. It SEEMS like a waste. But it is not. Yes, why would you put 10,000 dollars on your finger? Yes, I see the question, the concern. What if the guy only had 10,000 dollars? Wouldn't it be better to save it for the marriage? What if he only had 5,000 dollars? It's "just" a ring. right? No. It is not just a ring. I think that a guy should be more than happy, more than willing to buy a diamond ring for a girl. (It also says something about your generosity too--or at least how you see money). I guess I'm making a very direct comparison between marriage and our relationship with Christ. But yea, it's like the Kingdom of Heaven, where you sell EVERYTHING without reserve to buy that field. You don't care about anything else.

It's like... not caring that you just spent 4 hours worshiping or spent a whole day with God, not even reading a Christian book or whatever. But just meditating on who He is, talking to Him, being in His presence, worshiping Him. It seems like "wasted time" since you didn't even "technically" obtain knowledge from a book (I'm not saying books are bad, but sometimes we ignore just being with God, being still before Him, because we consider that a "waste" when we compare it with listening to a sermon or reading a Christian book. There are many ways of getting to know God, and it should all come out of our love and passion for Him).

So yes. The concept of "let me love you more". Let me.
It's a plea. "Let me."It's not a plea to God. I'm pretty sure God will let us love Him more. The song lyrics "technically" seem incorrect.

O won't You let me love You more, this is all that I desire
Won't You let me love You more this is all that I require
Won't You let me love You more this is my deepest heart's desire
Won't You let me love You more still more and more

But you really have to get the gist of it and look beyond the technicalities. A lot of times when we make a plea to one person, or explain ourselves to one person, we're actually subconsciously defending ourselves to another person (or ourselves). (That's why when people are really strongly opinionated about something simple, it's because they're transferring their strong emotions from some other situation to this similar situation). So here, "O Let me love you more" implies that the world (or my own mind) thinks I'm wasting my time, so Lord, please defend me/my heart/my desires. let me love you more. Tell them Lord. Tell them that it pleases you when I pour my perfume at your feet. Let me love you more. We know that God will let us love Him more, just as we know it is because of Him we are able to love Him. But we either feel judgment (from our own mind), or we just know that it's kinda illogical, and so we make the plea: let me love you more. We say it to Him, but also for ourselves to hear. I want to "waste" my time on you, "waste" my hours worshiping you, being still before you, meditating on your beauty and goodness. O won't you let me love you more. So yea, not about the technical meaning, but the general tone/plea that reflects such a longing for God. It's like how in Song of Solomon 4:9, he says "you have stolen/captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes." He doesn't mean "stolen" or "captivated" in a negative way. The word just conveys the strength of the feeling.

I want to take my affections and put them in a bottle, just to waste at your feet

O won't you let me love you more.

O church, won't we love Him more? Is He not deserving of our affections? It is not always necessary to use our energy on doing "productive" things. Loving someone takes a lot of energy, even if you aren't doing anything for them. But loving someone also gives you a lot of energy. That's why some people miss it. They miss having someone to love. But how much sweeter it is to love the God who loves us.

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