Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What is "realistic"?

In my writing seminar, we were reading creation myths. There was one where there were two "gods"--one left-handed, and one right-handed. The right-handed one killed the left-handed one and threw his body parts in random places. And those parts became things like the ocean or land or whatever. We discussed the differences between this creation story and Genesis. Someone mentioned that this one was more violent and the Genesis one seemed more peaceful and perfect--like the garden was perfect and everything at first was perfect. The teacher nodded and said "yep, so this story is more realistic."

That response got me thinking... What is our definition of "realistic"? She said "more realistic" in such a tone that it sounded like the more "realistic" story was better-- as if the more "realistic" something is, the more believable it is (which would be true if her definition of "realistic" was correct). The word "realistic" comes from the word "real". So, what is real? Heaven is real; God is real; eternal life is real; love is real.

We are so used to evil and bad stuff that we call it "realistic" --because yes, that is the real situation of this world. And yet, it seems like everyone's definition of 'realistic' is different. One person's "realistic" could be another person's "pessimistic". Maybe I'm nt making sense.

My point is... that I think people need to know what is real. Jesus prayed: "Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". In relation to this post, that is a prayer for what is real in heaven to equal what is real on earth.

Let us not have a pessimistic definition of "realistic", but to know the hope we have in Christ and to believe for God's Kingdom to come, his will, which is done in heaven, to be done on earth.
Actually, I do admit this is really difficult in practice, but pretty easy to understand in theory...but I will at least say that it is not unrealistic to do this.

Are there sick people in heaven? are there blind people in heaven? Are there people who do not know Him in heaven? As it is in heaven, it should be on earth. Yes?

Let our minds be transformed by God :)

1 comment:

  1. =) Thanks Jamie.

    I think people often do forget that you don't get any more real (which I will replace with the word "truer") than God.
