Sunday, February 9, 2014

Snow day mindset

So much snow this winter!

I got a lot of "practice" driving in snow, since I still have to get to work even if there's 1-2 feet of snow on the ground. "practice" because you never quite get good at it. You might become more experienced, like no sharp turns, slow down when you turn, etc. but there are still areas where driving in snow is unpredictable, even for the experienced. No amount of practice makes it completely perfect/safe. Like, there was one time, I was making a very wide turn--wasn't even a sharp turn--, and i was physically turning the wheel very slowly, but still going straight even though I was turning the wheel. My car just made beeping sounds at me, telling me that my steering wheel wasn't in sync with my physical tires. Finally after a few seconds, it started turning--just in time. When I was driving back home from work, even the highway was not cleared of snow. You couldn't see where each lane starts or stops, since the whole ground is white.. And it was still snowing sideways--the snow was going straight at my windshield. Since it was dark, all I saw was snow flying at me--couldn't see the road ahead or anything.; probably only saw a few feet in front of where i was driving. Every couple exits, there's a car on the side of the road due to some driving-in-the-snow accident

I don't even give a second thought to all this. I have gotten used to the many snow storms while living here. Driving in the snow is no big deal now. In new jeresey, if it snows this much, there would be a "state emergency" declaration and no one would even bother going to work.

In my company, everyone still came to work. Maybe 50% of the people were an hour late, but that's it. Just an hour. Our vendors/suppliers, however, had "snow day mindset". They'd email us and say that they can't make it to the 11am meeting, since the highways weren't cleared yet, etc. .... My coworker complained that all of globalfoundries was here, what do they mean they can't make it. I was explaining to him that it's not that they can't make it. It's a mindset thing. They just have "snow day mindset". If it snows, they're like OOOO snow day ! . no school, no work. whereas we have a 24/7 operations mindset. The plant operations go on even if weather is terrible.

So yea, it's all a mindset thing. I've worked here so long that I don't even think twice at whether or not I should go into office if there's a snow storm. Of course, I should have this kind of discipline/training for spiritual things too.

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