Thursday, May 31, 2012

Books I'm reading

I got a kindle 2 weeks ago. (Battery life is amazing; haven't ever charged it yet, and it's still more than 50%)

Anyway, let me know if you're reading something interesting or would like to join me. I like to read many books at once because I get bored reading just one book in a sitting. And I have a kindle now, so it's easy to do that. (Must be easy to read... not written very boringly or dully. ie. I have trouble reading some books by old authors)

So, a few I'm already starting to read are:
Shame Interrupted (which RC is also reading);
The Radical Reformission: Reaching out without Selling out. (the intro was quite interesting; I figured it would help me figure out how to find a church, as well as what the Christian life and Church should look like)
Hosting the Presence: Unveiling Heaven's Agenda. (just because i've always wanted to know how that "works", why in some prayer meetings or worship events, God's presence is so strong and in others, it is not as strong... always wanted to know more about "Hosting" God's presence. Never read a Bill Johnson book, but figured he would have some deep insight/revelation on this subject)

Still can't believe I'm done with college. Probably won't fully realize it until late August. Gah.
But I thank God for blessing me so much in so many ways. Yay for life. At these reflective points in time, Ecclesiastes is always a good reminder. That everything we are insecure about will pass away and is meaningless. God is our rock, our savior and our foundation forever.

Generations come and generations go,
but the Earth remains forever

Ecclesiastes is one of my favorite books. It talks about all kinds of meaninglessnesses and all kinds of pain and unfairness in life. In the end, you know what? It doesn't matter. Only God remains.

1 comment:

  1. Check out RC's blog regarding Shame Interrupted. I think you would enjoy the videos there regarding vulnerability and shame. Sorry ... didn't know the old authors were so troublesome for you. Will keep that in mind next time.
