Thursday, February 24, 2011

People you don't know

Jesus looked at the crowds and had compassion on them.

I was just thinking of my friend who is almost a doctor... doing residency now. Just hearing how she can't take it anymore, can't continue, can't see all these people dying, in pain, all the time. And then she goes to a relative's funeral. And wonders why she should cry more if someone she knew died. There are so many who are dying all the time. But actually, these patients. She knows them now. She hears their stories.

I was just thinking about that and how we can be easily overwhelmed by the pain that surrounds us, not just in our lives, but in all those around us. Of course, I cannot even begin to understand my friend's situation, because she sees people dying and in pain almost 24/7... she's there all the time, and doesn't get much sleep.

And of course I can't even begin to understand how much God grieves for those who don't believe, who don't trust Him, who destroy themselves without knowing it, who ingest pain. If we can cry for people we don't know, how much more can God weep for those He does know, since He knows us all.

Jesus looked on the crowds and had compassion on them.

Then what?

Then Jesus sits and cries?

No. He preaches, heals, speaks truth, comforts, corrects, loves.
He gives them hope.
He says Your sins are forgiven--Sin no more.
He says, Your faith has healed you; go in peace.
He says There is one thing you lack--sell everything you have, give to the poor and follow me. He says Cast your net on the other side
He says.
He preaches.
He speaks truth.
He gives life.
He loves.

He doesn't just mourn. He has compassion and then goes to heal them or to tell them what they need to hear.

There are appropriate times for mourning and grieving. But there are also times when we must ask for God's hope to fill us, where we must have faith in His faithfulness, and be confident of the work He is doing. To pray and know that He hears. To pray and know that we have received what we have prayed for. To believe in transformation, for us and for other brothers/sisters. To fast.

Lord, give me wisdom to know what is appropriate.
Thank you for giving me wisdom.

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