Monday, February 14, 2011


This song really spoke to me.
It's a beautiful song beautifully performed, called Beautiful =)

Yes, I do want to be beautiful.
To be worthy of love
To hear God say, who I am is quite enough

I'm not sure what other people got from the song, but I talked to one person and for both of us, physical beauty never came to mind when we heard this song. For me, it was inner beauty; for her it was the beauty of who you are?(forgot exactly what)--and the mirror part made her think of Mulan looking into the reflection of the water and the song Reflection.

In the end,
I just want to be beautiful for God
To be in His presence.

In the end, meaning at the end of the day,
meaning when I get a chance to look past my present concerns,
when I am able to remember eternal joy.

I have been told that life is still life, and you still have to consider reality. so yes, we must continue on, and not always have our headphones on, drowning out the existence of the rest of the world. We enjoy the time we get to spend in God's presence, and His joy is still our strength while we go about everyday things. But sometimes I do wish that I could put my headphones on and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist, and just enjoy these songs that make me think of eternal things. But Jesus didn't do that. He looked at the crowds with compassion. I kinda just ignore the crowds sometimes and wish I was somewhere comfortable and secure. =/

At Cru's Love Out Loud thing today, we were challenged (among other things) to notice people around us, even those who pass us while walking, or those who clean our buildings, or those in our classes. To notice whatever you want... their expressions, conversations, actions, emotions. It's easy to miss what you're not looking for.


  1. mm agreed, i really resonated with this song :)
    i think that's a bad habit I have (physically, but metaphorically representative), to walk somewhere, destination in mind, blinders on to people around me. a good challenge to open our eyes to see as God sees

  2. can i get this video?!
