Sunday, June 10, 2012

Surprise one more week at home!

So glad I have one more week at home! I initially was so ready to go to work and stuff, and was pretty excited, but now I have another week because Cornell can't verify my degree until Friday. Slowness.

I really don't like posting photos on this blog or updating actual personal life stuff (that isn't deep). But I guess this will be an exception. here's a good set of pictures of my brother and I from two weeks ago at the local mall. Too good to not share.

Today I played basketball with him, watched him sit on the skateboard and roll down the driveway, and made him walk barefoot on grass to see how it feels. It's supposed to be healthy for you as well, like the electricity from the ground or something is supposed to ... do something. But I didn't tell him that part. 

What I learned these past few weeks are that kids are very moldable, but it takes a lot of creativity, wisdom and effort to train them in the right direction. My brothers complains a lot sometimes, and  sometimes says things like "you will never take me to [insert restaurant]" in order to try to manipulate you into promising to take him there. Today, I suddenly remembered the thing I had learned at the alabaster retreat 6 months ago, about how that pastor always makes his kids tell him what they're thankful for. So, I was like "you complain too much; tell me 5 things you're thankful for today". It was good. He named 4 things. 

Sigh. Inside, everyone's an immature kid. We just don't see it, but we are. 
Okay good. I made some semi-deep comment. haha. just kidding. 

1 comment:

  1. "too good to not share"
    haha thanks for sharing :D
