Friday, January 7, 2011

Lost the Awe

Have you ever read Psalms and just wanted to skim through parts of it? because it's like the same thing, blah blah, I know what you are trying to say; it's all flowery/descriptive and sometimes you're not "feeling it". Actually most of the time, that is. What I mean is Psalm 104.

It's actually really beautiful. And I didn't have the patience to read it. And even after reading it, I'm not "getting it". ...Like, if I sit back and really read the imagery, I can see how the author is so in awe of God. How else can you come up with this lavish imagery? you can tell that the author really has a sense of the majesty and greatness of God--something I have lost.

With the loss of the sense of majesty has come the further loss of religious awe and consciousness of the divine Presence. We have lost the spirit of worship and our ability to withdraw inwardly to meet God in adoring silenceThe words ‘Be still, and know that I am God’, mean next to nothing to the self-confident, bustling worshiper in this middle period of the twentieth century” ~A.W. Tozer

(This also reminds me of something a brother once said about a song)

1 comment:

  1. duuuude michael helped me get this off of your youtube site recently because i LOVELOVELOVE their version of the song.
