Monday, December 20, 2010

Love is Blind

The phrase 'love is blind' was coined by Shakespeare in Merchant of Venice
But love is blind and lovers cannot see

I was reading Genesis 3 just now and read the part when Adam and Eve's eyes were opened and they saw that they were naked and were scared because of their nakedness and hid. And God is like "who told you you were naked?"

Love is blind. After they ate, their eyes were opened. Before they sinned, they were "blind" to how they were naked; they loved God; they were consumed by His presence.

When someone is in love, or in love with God, you can tell. because they're blind, consumed. Every part of their life is affected.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful. idk if its just that its late but i almost teared a little. found ur site off of jensen's. :) keep writing

