Saturday, August 17, 2024

Baby life

Had a baby 5 months ago

what used to make me feel happy and content, like I have a full life, doesn’t make me that happy anymore. I still enjoy it but just not as much as I used to. 

Like it’s still nice to socialize and hang out with friends but it doesn’t feel as good as before baby. Maybe because I know at the end of the day/ hangout, I need to go back to baby life. maybe I feel like I need to get stuff done and therefore it’s hard to enjoy the break— similar to if you had a big test on Monday, it’s hard to go out and really enjoy your weekend if you know you should be studying. Except with baby life, you kind of have a test every day.

I wonder if different things make me feel alive now, or if it’s just that tiredness and needing to do a lot of stuff weighs me down

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