Saturday, February 1, 2020

I lost a bet

I had this conversation with GG about how we should have everyone bet pushups for Superbowl. We were debating how many pushups people could do, and then she's like

G: honestly I can probably do 100 in 30 minutes
Me: -_- I don't believe you
G: bet me something
Me: ok I bet you
G: I'll do them right now
Me: wait I have to see it. What do you want?
G: you have to bet me something good though
Me: sure, name it

Then she comes up with the best bet ever: that I have to take 8 hip hop classes and perform in front of her and two friends, and go to a club in an outfit they choose. After she tells me the bet, my confidence goes from 99% sure I'll win to 60%. But it recovers the next day and I was back at 99% confident she couldn't do it. She was 80% confident she could do it though. 

She ends up doing 100 solid pushups in 15 minutes, and does some more for fun after that. Two guys at life group were like: what? Everyone can do 100 in 30 minutes. What were you thinking Jamie?? One buff guy was like, I can probably do 500 in 30 minutes. I didn't believe him when he said it but now thinking about it, maybe I should reconsider.

This is a classic example of me having a skewed world view because of how conservative/"realistic" (aka pessimistic) I am, though I honestly thought it would have instead been a classic example of how GG has a skewed world view because of how idealistic she is. It turned out to be the former because I lost. But going in, I was like GG just doesn't know she can't do it. She's too naive and idealistic. So yea I lost. I was wrong and my world view is wrong. And despite no one being able to tell that I was actually sad, I was sad that I lost, and quite confused or shocked. I didn't know how to feel or express myself except to smile and feel awkward.

But this event is also quite meaningful to me because GG is leaving the community to pursue her dreams. I'm glad she won and proved me wrong. and I'm glad she believes in herself. Quitting your job to pursue your dreams takes a lot of faith. Something I don't have quite enough of yet. But one day I will. And when I do, it will be powerful, and my faith will move mountains. 

And she left me with the perfect gift, the bet that will stretch me out of my comfort zone and possibly widen my life scope/view, to put it abstractly

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