Monday, June 17, 2013

Getting Old

I had this sudden realization when I was back home. My mom's teeth were hurting, and it hit me that my parents are getting old. That I'm pretty much on my own very soon. That this cycle of life is slowly turning and it's becoming my turn.

Made me ponder that verse where the guy wants to follow Jesus, but asks to first bury his father. But Jesus says to let that go. Let the dead bury the dead.

This is it. What am I doing? Or, maybe the question is: how am I doing? How am I spending my time...
Will I be ready for God? Or stuck in my ways of life

a couple coworkers asked me this weekend why I was working 24/7. I remember when I first started at this company, I told a coworker that my policy was to go home as early as possible, and not to overwork. She asked why that was so, since usually people have the idea that they should work harder while they are still young. I said something about how it's not a good habit to work a lot--then you don't get to develop your life outside of work. And then you can't get out of working a lot. Something like that. Forgot what I said, but maybe it was a bit naive at the time. I think working a bit more is fine, as long as you know who you are even at work. Don't forget the people around you. A leader encourages, cares and creates other leaders, not hogs the attention.

most importantly don't forget to think about how you are doing. with Jesus.  If work gets in the way, push it back. Most of the time, it's unrelated, esp in causation, though there probably is correlation. Work doesn't worsen relationships inherently, but your heart towards it (and during it) might.

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