Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Dreamer at Heart

I have been reflecting back to sophomore year in high school. I used to be very idealistic? if that's the right world. I wanted to change the world. It was the year that I got emotional about everything that was wrong with the world.

I'm becoming more and more 'okay' with the normal path of life.. with these comforts and people, and I'm not sure if I'd be willing any longer to leave this for some idealistic dream that might not come to pass. I'm not sure if I dream that much any more. And yet, sometimes I still do. Here are 2 little bits of a poem I wrote at 2am today

Though I’m a dreamer at heart

Fear keeps me from being apart

From things I see day to day

From the plowed path, the expected way

Will I always be afraid

That everything will fade

Why do I still hold on

When I know it will be gone

I remember this quote:
"When your memories are greater than your dreams, you are beginning to die".

I think, part of the reason that keeps me from dreaming as much, is that dreamers are often lonely. People who want to change things must go out of their way, out of their comfort zone, and that often can be quite lonely, even if you're surrounded by people.

Fear of loneliness and depression ...is an issue that needs more attention than it gets. because the mind (and emotion) are dangerous. Your own thoughts can deceive you.

Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things (col 3:2)

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:7)
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Phil 4:8)

Often, I forget that my mind (not just my heart) also needs to be guarded.
Thank God for His mercy and grace.

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