Friday, February 4, 2011


It's a real blessing from God when He humbles us.

I have been greatly blessed today.

The Kingdom of God can only be received by empty hands
-Michale Crosby

It is really only the poor in spirit who can, actually, have anything because they are the ones who know how to receive gifts.
For them, everything is a gift.
-Simon Tugwell

It is good to give, but sometimes we need to learn how to receive--to receive well, and not with a prideful attitude. Pride hinders us from receiving good things from God (and from others).


  1. thank you for receiving my plastic bag

  2. :) [so i just read this post]
    i think its interesting that on sunday (feb 6) i listened to a sermon where the pastor was saying that Christianity is the hardest religion because instead of doing this or doing that, we are told to receive. We want to be able to come to God, hands full and say "look at what I can bring to you" when instead he asks us to come with hands empty and just receive.
    i think its cool when God seems to be teaching me & someone else the same thing xD
