Saturday, February 5, 2011


Today I remembered something I had said two or three months ago that was wrong. I realized what I said was wrong and that the attitude in which I said it was also wrong. As soon as I realized that, I was like "crap, I should apologize", but then I decided against it since it's super trivial.

Yet, it made me think of how I judge others, and how in this situation other people could have judged me for saying something really biased or wrong or prideful.

Also, because of this, I was reminded that when I judge others for prideful statements or attitudes, I forget that these people may have already repented, or that several months later, when God convicts them as He has convicted me, they will repent. Just thinking about this--how these people I am judging could be changed by God and could very shortly repent of the things I am judging them for--makes me feel really bad about judging them.

Not to mention that I deserve also to be judged for the same exact things!

A quote I liked from Dr. Cornelius Plantinga, jr.
He challenged us:

"Do we put the best face on someone else's motives while suspecting our own?"


  1. i struggle w having a judgmental heart too! Not as much compared to the past though, thank God! But ya, this thought does sometimes come up once in a while and I just feel very ashamed of it.

    Psalm 75:7 It is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another.

    We have a just God! hehehe

  2. Wow, so timely. I think I'm learning this as the same time as you. I do judge people quickly. Less than I used to, but still quite a lot. And I get humbled every time I see God working in the life of someone I judged. God doesn't judge them like that, so how dare I?
