Sunday, August 1, 2010

If only we knew

The times when Jesus wept were when He saw people mourning over the death of Lazarus (John 11:35), and when He saw the city of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41). In the first case, I believe He wept because of their unbelief. And in the second case, He was also grieving over the sin, unbelief, blindness of the people. The recorded times when Jesus wept were when other people were losing out, not when He was losing out. (Their unbelief means they don't know God, and when people don't know God, they usually "lose out" on what God wants to give them--either because they are not a son of God, or they fail to ask for what God already wants to give them)

If only they could know.

If only we would know.

God's love, God's truth, God's power. His greatness, His kindness, His beauty.
Then perhaps we would not forget. Then perhaps we would not have to struggle with whether or not to give into sin. Sometimes I forget what I'm fighting for, and I'm tempted to just throw in the rag, and be like whatever, I don't care anymore; I'm messed up anyway.
But God has called us to be pure, to be perfect as He is perfect.

Don't give up; don't forget!

"Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!" ~ Revelation 19:9

We can have hope in this verse: "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready" ~ Revelation 19:7

We are fighting for something worth fighting for!


  1. I would also add that Jesus' weeping is recorded only twice in the Bible. This being one of them.

    Indeed he wept because of the Jew's unbelief, but He also wept because of the true reality of Death that is present in mankind. Death is a powerful indicator that something is seriously wrong with the world - and that is sin. However, in 1 Corinthians Paul writes that Death is the final enemy to be defeated by the cross - which indeed happened. Great post.

  2. interesting. yea another friend of mine told me she thought He wept because He felt the sadness of those who were mourning. I guess it's prob a combinations of things. but yea, interesting thoughts about death. I never thought about that

  3. your blog is so inspiring ^^ keep writing~
