Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Living out of a sonship identity

A few things that been on my mind for the past weeks

  • Faith. Without it, it is impossible to please God. 
  • The Cross, the blood of Jesus. Is really powerful. Redeems us.
  • Ownership/sonship, & partnership with God
I was in a Hillsong concert, when suddenly I realized that my worship towards God felt different than it did a year ago. I was worshiping and praising God out of my identity as a child, not out of an identity as an ex-wretched person that He saved. That's why the song "Unashamed" bothers me; it has so much emphasis on being unworthy and praises God out of that identity or state of being unworthy. Obviously, we are unworthy compared to God, but by faith we are made righteous and a new creation. I feel like sometimes Christians intentionally put themselves down in order to praise God "more". God isn't insecure. We don't need to degrade ourselves to make Him look better. Additionally, we don't need to wrap our identity around being a sinner, when we are actually a new creation in Christ. We need to praise God out of our new identity. 

In fact, that is what God desires--that we worship Him out of this secure identity as His son/daughter. We are not slaves waiting to blindly receive an order from our master. God wants us to partner with Him in taking ownership over the things we are called to do here. We are His friends and sons/daughters, and we are co-heirs with Christ. 

I also realized that I like to downplay my abilities and accomplishments. I also like to spin things in a negative way in order to be funny or more "real"/genuine, because I guess the heart's cry of our generation is for realness. But sometimes the "realness" is a bit too real that it actually becomes unreal. We define what is real by what we say. If we say it enough times, it becomes real to us. 

So one area I have been downplaying/real-talking is how I ended up in California, why I got an MBA and why I like California. Every time someone asks me, I come up with a different answer. One of the latest inventions/answers is that I got an MBA so I wouldn't have to live in the middle of nowhere. When you live in the middle of nowhere, all your friends end up leaving you and moving to the big cities. All my friends from my first company have left already. When you live in California or a big city, people come to you. Now, all my Cornell friends are moving to where I am. I don't want to live in an undesirable location with no young Asian Americans like myself. 

Then a week later, I realized I was framing my life out of fear, rather than purpose. In essence, I am saying: I'm in California because I don't want to live in the middle of nowhere. --That's living out of fear, out of survival mode. Instead, I should say: I'm in California because God has called me here to make a difference, especially in my own culture and at work. 

I need to stop framing things out of fear/survival mentality, and start speaking out of an identity as a child of God, out of ownership, out of royalty. Bay area is my territory, and I'm here to make an impact. When I'm in survival mode, I just want to survive. When I'm in ownership mode, I say, this is my house, my land, my people. Is there pollution? Are there cliques at Church? Let's solve this together. Let's do something about it. Often, prayer changes our own hearts so that we become the solution and the answer to our prayers.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Prayer is holding God's hand

Prayer is holding God's hand.

That's what I wanted to say when my cell group leader asked us: "What is prayer?"
But I restrained myself from saying something that sounded ridiculously theologically unsound.

But my entire heart said it. I just looked at her and said it in my heart. For more than a week, this has been stuck with me. Prayer is holding God's hand.

What does it mean to hold someone's hand? What does it feel like? What does it imply?
It is hard to explain, but the feeling and imagery of holding God's hand is knowing that you are connected to God. No matter how difficult things may get, at least you are holding His hand. You trust Him; He is with you.

Even in the good times, He is there, and you are holding His hand, connected. You know Him. He is right beside you.

So yea. God spoke to me through my own bizarre thought/inner- voice.
Prayer is holding God's hand.

Even David in Psalm 16:8 says "I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken".
Some people say this verse implies that David uses imagery in his relationship with God because he "sets" aka imagines God at his right hand. Of course, all the grounded Christians are bothered by the word "imagine" because that word is often used in a way that implies falsehood or fantasy / made-up stuff. But think of the word "imagine" like meditating. Meditating on God's word day and night, but in a more picture-esque way. I picture myself holding God's hand, but it's not an image; it's more like an impression or feeling or knowing. In my heart, I know I am holding God's hand.

Prayer is holding God's hand

Monday, October 1, 2018

Because He lives

This hymn is what I need at this moment

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living, just because He lives. 

Indeed, at this moment, I am holding onto life because I believe in Jesus. I believe in Jesus for myself and for others. There aren't many of these extremely tough moments in life where I truly feel like giving up, if it wasn't for my faith and my belief in Jesus.

It takes strength to hold on, to hold onto Jesus, to hold onto forgiveness, to continue to let go and love, pray for change, believe in change and not judge, not fear, not hold onto hurt. Sometimes I fear that I would lack strength to forgive, or strength to fight for an abundant life with Jesus, but God gives me strength.

I wish things would be easier, but I refuse to be jealous of people who appear to have an easier life. Each person has their life, and I will focus on the goodness and compassion of God, who is sovereign and knows all things before they happen.

Because I have Jesus, I have everything. And no one can take that away from me. Not differences in theology, not other strong believers. I cannot be condemned because Jesus has saved me.

Thinking about Job -- the book of Job. Man, that was tough. Every friend using spiritual reasons to condemn Job, and Job losing his family and his own health. I want to be like Job and hold onto God no matter what. In sickness and in health, in great times and catastrophic times, even if the whole world is against me, even if I myself have sinned or made a mistake. I want to always turn to Jesus and hold onto God for the rest of my life, all my days. God, help me to do so.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Thinking in the future

Yesterday, I was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness, and the feeling lingered on still this morning; I couldn't shake it off. Usually listening to worship music helps, but sometimes the feeling is so strong that music just at best, contains it. (I really enjoyed listening to Here Again by Elevation Worship).

I recognized that the feelings were genuine and natural, and that it is important to be honest with how I feel, but also remember that I believe in Jesus, and my hope comes from Him.

I most often try to use emotional methods to solve my emotional issues. (i.e. talk with a friend, use music, etc.) However, I realized that I can use my mind to lead my emotions. I know I have Jesus. Nothing can separate me from the love of Jesus. I will declare this truth as long as I live. By speaking the truth to myself and to my emotions, I am fighting for my emotions. My mind and willpower fight for my feelings to come into alignment with the word of God. Sometimes worship music does help in this regard because you can belch out the song as a declaration of God's truth.

As I was driving home, I thought to myself: What do I want to be like when I am 50 years old? I used to think 20s were the "prime age"--the most exciting age. But now, I think 50s-60s is prime. Most of the people I really respect are at least 50. I want to love God when I am old, not just when I am young. I thought about how beautiful it will be to be 80 and still love God so much (and hopefully more), and be able to look back on my life and see how God brought me so far in life, and how beautiful a journey it has been, despite all the hard times and all the hurt. Out of great suffering and pain, can come great beauty, because God doesn't waste our suffering. God doesn't waste our pain. 

In light of that, I would like to recommend a movie that has made it to my favorites list.
"I can only Imagine" - I watched this on my United flight to the east coast. I cried so much. I couldn't stop crying. It was so, so beautiful.

Not only does God not waste our pain, God is our hope. Even though I'm technically a "present-minded" person according to personality tests, it really does help to think really far out into the future--it reduces my present concerns and worries, because I start to realize that life is long. Yet, at the same time, I also realize that life is short, and that soon I will be with God.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

New level of security

Recently, I realized that I have gotten to a new level of security in Christ, compared to several months ago, or even the last couple of weeks.

The things that once made me feel insecure no longer strongly affect me. They might affect me mildly for a few hours, but I just smile and know in my heart and my mind that I have God. I know who I am. The truth has truly set me free.

There were several events/tests just this week. Situations or thoughts involving different people who  are close to me, but none of the situations/thoughts made me feel insecure.

In the past, my family and close friends would easily affect me. I think they still can, but my security has increased to a new level. I'm not afraid of losing people close to me or getting rejected. I'm also not going to believe any lies that my family might be believing, and I'm not affected by their ungodly fears. I know who I am. I know what and whom I have.

It wasn't like I was completely invincible. There would be familiar floating thoughts that come by, but this time, those thoughts seemed so foreign to me. I could recognize them as blatant lies from the enemy. It was almost like: wow, I've been through this already. I've already conquered this battle.

God is so good :) I got a breakthrough without really even hardcore pursuing it.

Saturday, June 30, 2018


Yesterday while driving, my phone decided to do a software update. Thus, I couldn't use my GPS while it was updating. I was driving back from my eye doctor appointment back to work so this was not my normal route, and I'm a person who always uses GPS. I have a weak sense of direction, and a weaker confidence in my sense of direction. (Though my sense of direction seems magically improved when I'm alone, and worsened when with others)

But I just kept driving and reading signs. I saw Sunnyvale and a LinkedIn building, and saw on my car that I was going North, so I knew I probably should keep driving. Eventually I saw 1st street and zanker signs and got off there, and made my way to work.

It was pretty amazing, even though I know it sounds lame.

I felt like God was saying that is what life is like sometimes. When you're trying to receive directions from God and you're not hearing anything, maybe you need to look around at signs that point you to your destination. Keep driving (I had thoughts of pulling over and waiting for my phone to finish), and you'll see the signs eventually.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Other's words as a mirror

Either words have started to mean more to me in the past 6 months, or I've gotten a lot of highly encouraging words.

Today, my life coach told me at the end of our session: "you have a heart that seems soft towards the things of God". 

That was so reassuring, and warmed my heart. It was like, if she sees that (after hearing all my honest internal thoughts and how I process things), then how much more does God see that?

Sometimes I'm so set on pleasing God and pursuing God and doing the right thing, that I forget that He's with me in the process and journey, and He's pleased with me. 

It's never just the words that matter. It's how you say the words. The most encouraging words are sometimes very simple, but it's who says it, in what context and how much of their heart is in it when they say it/how much they believe it. 

It is these encouragements that we meditate on. In the same way, we are able to meditate on God's words to us. We will be transformed by the renewing of our mind. 

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Enneagram 9

I read about the Enneagram way back in middle school and/or high school. At that time, I thought it was an okay personality test, and that the myers briggs was way more helpful in understanding others.

But today, I just read the ennegram description of myself, and it was super insightful--both the description of myself and my romantic compatibility with various types.

Things that really resonated with me:

  1.  9s tend to idealize their romantic partner and sometimes the other person cannot live up to the image that the 9 has of them in their imagination. 9s that are paired with other 9s can be problematic because most of the relationship may occur in their imagination of the other rather than being in real contact with the other person
  2. 9s tend to focus on other people, wondering what they are like, etc. They tend to melt into other people and have difficulty knowing or admitting their own needs
  3. Growth recommendations: 9s should try to exert themselves and pay attention to what is going on and not tune out or daydream. They should exercise more to be more aware of their own body
A lot of passiveness and imagination. 
I really resonate with the imagination part. I feel that a lot of the deep affection I have for my friends stems out of frequent idealization and imagination of our friendship. That's not necessarily bad. It helps me to be loyal, despite infrequency of contact. It helps me to have strong affections for people. But I can see how it can become problematic in a romantic relationship when you have to deal with real issues and not just idealize the other person. 

I also really resonate with a tendency to 'melt into other people' and not know how you feel because you're so focused on how others feel. The best example I can think of is when I was coordinating housing in college. In my heart, I really wanted to live with certain people, but my mind really did not know what my heart wanted. I literally thought I was cool with whatever and was willing to sacrifice myself for the group. Often, it is only when I am alone at night, when I realize how I truly feel and what I truly want. When I'm with people, it's hard to feel and know what I truly want. It's a very strange phenomenon that actually happens quite often, though this example is pretty old. 

Tuning out. I think this happens more with unfamiliar settings due to being an introvert. I know I tend to tune out when there's too many people I don't know, but I try not to. I really don't like it when I tune out. I feel un-human when that happens, like am I really alive? Am I really on this earth? 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

There's a line and we've crossed it

This (spontaneous) song resonates so much with me right now

There's a line and we've crossed it
Some would say that we've lost it
But we found our joy
It's the joy of knowing You

like, wow. I feel this song. Literally every line.

There's a line and I've crossed it.

I love that it mentions joy. That's where my craziness goes towards. It's not a desperation that leads to condemnation or striving or religiosity. It's a desperation that leads to joy. I'm so, so desperate for more of Jesus.

A few weeks ago, I heard a minister talk about his growth with Jesus, and that at some point his level of desperation was greater than his level of fear, and that's what propelled him to step out in faith (and pray for the sick). This desperation is out of love and joy, not condemnation or striving. Sometimes the word desperation comes with a condemnation/striving undertone, but that's not what I'm getting at. I'm more getting at the word "hunger", but that word seems to have lost its saltiness. I like the word "desperate", because we use it in daily language. For example, "I'll use dating apps when I get desperate" or "I don't want to appear desperate".

I have to admit. I'm desperate. I'm desperate for more of Jesus.
That's why I literally don't care if people judge me for going to tons of conferences. I'm desperate. I want impartation. I want more.

It also really helps that I have people around me who are just as desperate and hungry. It's so, so amazing to be able to walk with and grow with people. I never, never, would have dreamed that this was possible--to have people my age, my demographic, who are even more hungry than I am, for the things of God, including the supernatural. To have people not just willing to let me pray for them for physical healing, but desiring and believing that they will be healed when prayed for. And no one makes it super spiritual or a big deal. It's just normal. People coming up to me and/or texting me about words they've received from God for me. It's a community where it's safe to practice and take risks. I've been so blessed.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

What's right

Sometimes we're just so obsessed with doing what's "right", when there's no right answer. There's only whatever God wants, but you're not really sure what God wants. And when you think you know what God wants, some people tell you you're wrong. And then you're like, well what if those people are wrong? But what if I'm wrong?

Sometimes it's so annoying when people tell you you're wrong. Not because I don't want to be wrong, though that is always part of it. But it's more because it makes you doubt your ability to hear from God and it erodes your confidence in your own wisdom and ability to make decisions. It's almost sets you back a step spiritually & maturity-wise, like you're not sure if you can make any decisions on your own anymore. you thought you felt conviction; you thought you heard from God, but maybe you didn't. Maybe you're wrong.

I guess it's better to be humble and slightly less confident about my ability to hear from God, than to be prideful and make the "right" decision? And if God really wanted me to make that decision, He could probably remove the obstacles. And I guess sometimes we have to accept the fact that we will sometimes never really know if we made the right choice or not, if that's really what God wanted.

The problem with all of this, is that you are responsible for your decisions. Other people can provide counsel, but you have to make the decision. You own all the responsibility of that decision. So, at the end of the day, you have to believe it's the right decision. There has to be some conviction, even if your conviction changed 50 times in the process.

Maybe that's the beauty of life and the process. Trust the process. Trust God in the process, even when He seems silent. Freedom includes the freedom to make mistakes. Freedom also includes the freedom to ask God any detail at all, because He cares about all the details. I mean, seriously, God could have been like: just build a big boat. But He gave detailed instructions to Noah on how to build that ark.

Anyway, in conclusion, I can still have confidence in my identity as a daughter, and that Father God is proud of me.

In the quiet pride of my Father's eyes
I remember who I am
When I feel the warmth of my Father's smile
Feels like I've been born again

-Born Again by Cory Asbury

Thursday, March 29, 2018

28 on the 28th

Today, I turned 28, on the 28th of March. A once in a lifetime birthday.

Reflection on my 27th year of life
27 was a good year.

  • I received/discovered my calling in life (or one of them) via many very specific prophetic words that really resonated with me. 
  • I finished my MBA
  • I moved to Silicon valley, my once dream post-college location 
  • I started my first job in business, and I'm essentially like a chief of staff for the VP of sales. Being a chief of staff was secretly one of my dream jobs. 
  • I experienced the most spiritual growth and the most continual spiritual high & joy in my 27th year than any other year
  • I joined the most charismatic congregation I've ever been in Church-wise. 
  • I've interacted with the most guys than I ever have in the past and have gone on more blind dates than any other year 
  • I started painting. I finally have a hobby.
  • I have the most faith, the most optimism and the most hope than I have ever had in my life
Looking forward: my 28th year
I hope to:
  • Finish the year strong at work, discover where I fit best and what I want to do in my next job/role/rotation. AKA figure out my next dream job and move towards it
  • Move towards my calling. I'll leave it vague, but I have direction and planned or existing action
  • Take risks for God. I hope my 28th year will be the year of the most risks I've ever taken for God, and the year where I have the least amount of 'fear of man'
  • Carry optimism and hope in the midst of hurt, chaos, low morale, confusion. I'm excited that opportunities might come up for my optimism and hope to be truly tested. I've rarely been successful at carrying hope when I'm surrounded by hopelessness, but I have hope that I can pass the test this time, because I have faith in God. Hope is just as contagious as pessimism and I want to be a carrier of hope, of encouragement. I want to be a life-giver because God is the life-giver and He lives in me
  • Discover my role in my congregation/Church
  • Start a meaningful project that I really like
  • Become debt-free

wow, I haven't ever been this direct with my goals, and this direct/show-off-y with my successes. But this is the mood I'm in today, so here it is! Here's my open honest direct post of my life in a very optimistic light. I choose to remember the good and all that God has done in my life. He redeems. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

I live to Worship

I know worship is more than just worship with music, but I love worshiping God with music. I love God's presence. 

Pastor Tong spoke on Wednesday, and said that there are 3 things that help us keep our fire/love for God. One of them is worship. When you let your heart and mind linger on your life difficulties, it's going to be hard to experience God, but when you start to worship, you intentionally turn your mind and affections towards God. You remember the work of God on your life; you recall the grace and compassion He has shown you; once again, you remember His greatness and His faithfulness and His unfailing love towards you. (Clip below)

Today and yesterday, there were times I just felt fairly lonely and sad. It's tempting to feel that way when the weekend comes and I don't have people that I love, to hang out with. It's kind of funny, but my mom felt the same way on Thursday, since my dad is in Taiwan and my brother is in Europe. She told a few friends to come over and that she'd whip something together, but all her friends couldn't make it at the last minute and she ended up spending Chinese New Year by herself. She was telling me: "you can't trust friends" and saying that she realized that she "still needs daddy". I just smiled. In my head I was like, I knew that a long time ago; you only figured that out now?  -- But at the same time, I knew that was the wrong way to think about the situation. It's tempting to look at the world in a jaded way, and to feel lonely, or pity yourself, but I think the actual reality is that we're all so so blessed to know Jesus, as cheesy as that may sound. It's like my other post 2 weeks ago: we get to spend time with Jesus. It's easy to think of what we wish we had, and forget that we already have everything because we have Jesus. So, yesterday and today, I spent some time 'fighting' negative thoughts, but as soon as I started worshiping, I was filled with joy and gratefulness and no longer needed to "fight". As soon as I started worshiping God, I truly realized how blessed I am to know God.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Keeping your Freedom

"Never let the fear of temptation or the reality of temptation make you second guess or redefine your level of freedom. You are free regardless of what things may come at you. I think success in this area looks like focusing on the things you get to do, not on the things you have to give up or let go"
"My next level of breakthrough and freedom lies in the pursuit of Him and His will"

When I heard this quote today, especially the first sentence, it freed me instantly from confusion. I immediately claimed back the freedom (or the 'level of freedom') that I already had in Christ. Obviously, we all are free in Christ, but there is a process to walk into greater 'levels' of freedom and breakthrough, and that's what I mean here. God has already done a great work in me, but sometimes I am tempted to think that something is still wrong and I'm still battling with the same things, and if I'm battling with the same things, did I really receive freedom? Yes, I did. I have received so much freedom. There is always a temptation to be confused, to fear, to hold onto insecurities. But as soon as I heard this quote, my heart resonated so much with it. The fears, confusion and insecurity left me, and God's joy filled me. Now I'm excited to pursue after my next level of breakthrough/freedom/intimacy with Him. This is what I get to do every day.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

"Missing" God's will

One of the great things about the bay area is that there are always conferences going on, and evenings are often free. I've been here 5 months and I've been to 5 conferences here -- not the entire conference, but just dabbling in some of the evenings. I mean, usually it's a Friday night and I can either go home and do nothing, or go to a charismatic conference and enjoy the worship and God's presence.

So this past weekend, I went to a conference 2 nights, with Heidi Baker preaching one night and Will Hart preaching the next night. I got more from Heidi's preaching, but there is one important thing I got from Will's message, which I'll paraphrase here:

Some people think that when they make a wrong decision, they "miss God". Like, oh God told me to marry person A but I married person B so I "missed God's will". But even if you did "miss God's will" for that situation, it's not like God just leaves/abandons you and is like: told you so; see ya; bye.

Choosing California over Indiana has haunted and bothered me for a while now. Before I got the California/Intel job offer, I had felt at peace with Indiana (and it took at least a month to finally be at peace and not be bitter about it). Indiana was also confirmed by multiple prophetic people and prayer. And then California came to me. I was elated but confused. Long story short, I didn't have enough faith for Indiana. I wasn't really sure which one was God's will (probably because honestly, I didn't want to "really" be sure that it was Indiana and not California), so I just chose California. And it's honestly not about the weather or the food or "more things to do" as if I do anything anyway. It's because I really really want/need a tight-knit community and I know myself. It will be so tempting in the middle of nowhere to be bitter again, and lonely and do dumb things.

Anyway, I realized in May that this issue has hindered my walk with God because it decreased my confidence in my ability to hear God's voice. But slowly I've come to realize that I should get over this. God is good and He's never abandoning me. Even Israel pleaded for a King and got one, even though God told them they'd be better without a King. So worst case, it's something like that. God still loves me and I'm still his daughter. And He's still a good God who is always with me and loves me with an overwhelming love.

Part 2 of this long blog post: (semi-relevant to part 1).
My mom talked to me about getting rid of bitterness, and I was like: "I don't have any bitterness. Like, there is literally no one I need to forgive, so why would I have any bitterness?"
But then she said bitterness is whenever you complain or are discontent or don't trust God. And then I remembered ALLLLL of my bitterness while living in the middle of nowhere. And I was like omg, I have so much bitterness from those years when I was such an elitist and thought I deserved better than to live in such a location. I can't say that I've fully repented of elitism; midwest's down-to-earth-ness helped to convert me a bit, but it's really hard to fully get rid of it. Anyway, that was a random side comment about bitterness that I need to address. And trusting God.