MBA has been great, but I'm not really close with that many people, or maybe even no one at all depending on the standard of closeness. Not surprising. It's common among those who aren't hardcore party-people who get close real quick from alcohol and late nights. I mean I love all my classmates and always enjoy the camaraderie in group projects and I light up when I see people I know. But sometimes at night, I just miss home, miss my brother, this cute fuzzy hyper dog, ...
Icy is our neighbor's 2 yr old dog, half pomeranian, half husky. Very hyperactive, but at night she's calm and sprawls over the floor and sleeps

In college I never missed home, so I didn't really get it when others did. And I never had a dog that I missed either, but I've heard that before too. To be honest, I don't think I actually miss the dog that I don't own. I just miss seeing the cute fuzzball sleep. I miss the dog because I miss the cuteness and perhaps I miss what it represents when it's sleeping vulnerably like that. It's so pure, simple and cute. Hates being alone--keeps barking until you let her sit next to you; then she's fine. I looked up dog personalities for each breed. Pomeranian scores very low on "tolerates being alone". You don't need to play with her, you just need to put her right next to you. Dogs are like little kids. It's amazing how much they are driven by good food and play and proximity.
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