"Love is proportional to hurt. Write this equation down" ~Che"You don't see treasures in people unless you've seen hell" ~ Bob
Dude, yesterday, I came back to the hotel room at 3am. Room was dark of course, since someone was sleeping. Another person was on my cot; she got off when she saw me come in. Whispers to me "Sorry, I was on your bed because I was looking at the view". I'm like "oh yea, it's okay". I get changed, go to brush my teeth. She's still sitting on her bed kinda staring off into the dark, pondering. In the bathroom I'm smiling to myself, chuckling on the inside. Big huge smile. Man, I know what's up. She's in love. All this looking-out-the-window-at-the-view and sitting-up-in-bed stuff. She's in love with God. The fourth roommate comes in 10 minutes later and is like "are you okay?" The sitting-up-in-bed roomie is like "oh yea yea", and kinda slides down and lays on her bed, but obviously still thinking about the day and how awesome God is.

Next morning, I get up. I go shower, turn and see on the glass "counselor". At first I thought it was the hotel's initiative to design glass that has words on it like that. But then I realize whoever showered before me wrote with water on the condensation on the glass "Thank you Prince of Peace Wonderful Counselor" and drew a heart with Jesus' name in the center. This was another roommate.
I'm like wow. She's in love with God too. And the amazing thing is that she slept the same time I did, but got up 2 hours earlier, to read and stuff. It's not just words. She's living it out.
Last quote from the retreat. this covers all the speakers; I got a quote from each.
"The proof of love is in the spending of time. I can say all I want: 'I love you' with my wife. But if I work until 10 at night and don't come home, and let my kids go to bed by themselves every night I'm a liar" ~ Brian
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