I didn't know how I was doing today, until I began talking to someone I haven't seen in a long time. She asked me how I was doing. With people you see every day, you can be like "I'm good", but with people you haven't seen in a year, you feel bad not telling them a more complete story of your semester or life. So I was like "Hmmm... let me think about how I am doing" and I began rambling, and it got longer and longer and I was just thinking out loud. And then finally I came to a conclusion about how I am doing and it hit me. I was like WOW, I didn't even know how I was doing until I told you how I was doing.
And I realized that I don't feel connected with people (not specific people, but people in general--like the human population), when I don't have extended conversations with people about stuff in my heart. As in rambling conversations. I had quite a few today, and I'm so thankful for them. It's so nice to have people who are willing to just sit and listen to me think out loud. And I find out so much from these conversations.