Friday, December 10, 2010

Separation of Ministry and Personal Life?

When people ask me how my semester went, I think of my semester in terms of two different aspects: the Christian movement aspect, and my own personal struggles.

If I start talking about the Christian movement aspect and all the things God has been doing on this campus, and what God has been leading me to do this semester, etc., it'll be a great conversation.

As for my own personal struggles, most of the time I don't feel them, so I ignore the fact that they might exist. But when they do bubble up, I can't ignore them.

So I wonder how separated ministry and personal life should be, if at all? And what separation even means? In my mind, they are separated because I can't think about them together. I feel encouraged when I think about the Christian movement, but not so much when I think about my personal issues/struggles, which is why I try not to think too much about my personal struggles since I feel that they aren't that God-glorifying.

But today I thought about great pastors who are great at preaching, great at ministry, always fired up about God and encouraging other brothers/sisters, but terrible at being a father or husband, and not great at home.

I'm beginning to see that it's possible and easy to separate ministry and personal life, and to put God in the ministry part, but not the personal life part. It's easy to encourage yourself by thinking about the ministry part and ignoring personal faults/weaknesses/tendencies/struggles/daily life practical character issues. It's kinda scary how easy it is.

It's important to allow God to move in both parts of your life, and to mesh the two together. Your home is also your ministry. Your family is your ministry. Your closest friends are your ministry. What I mean is you never stop loving and showing grace to those around you, and letting God's light shine through you, and letting the Spirit move through you and in you. We don't remind ourselves to do these things. It's supposed to be natural. We're supposed to be transformed by God--our whole being. Not just when we're outside of our homes. Let us seek and pursue Him who changes us, who disciplines us, who reveals our weaknesses to us. If our "family"/inner lives are struggling, it's a wakeup call to be honest with God about our personal walks with Him. Do we really know Him? Do we really love Him? Are we in love with Him, consumed by Him?

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