Yesterday while driving, my phone decided to do a software update. Thus, I couldn't use my GPS while it was updating. I was driving back from my eye doctor appointment back to work so this was not my normal route, and I'm a person who always uses GPS. I have a weak sense of direction, and a weaker confidence in my sense of direction. (Though my sense of direction seems magically improved when I'm alone, and worsened when with others)
But I just kept driving and reading signs. I saw Sunnyvale and a LinkedIn building, and saw on my car that I was going North, so I knew I probably should keep driving. Eventually I saw 1st street and zanker signs and got off there, and made my way to work.
It was pretty amazing, even though I know it sounds lame.
I felt like God was saying that is what life is like sometimes. When you're trying to receive directions from God and you're not hearing anything, maybe you need to look around at signs that point you to your destination. Keep driving (I had thoughts of pulling over and waiting for my phone to finish), and you'll see the signs eventually.