Reflection on my 27th year of life
27 was a good year.
- I received/discovered my calling in life (or one of them) via many very specific prophetic words that really resonated with me.
- I finished my MBA
- I moved to Silicon valley, my once dream post-college location
- I started my first job in business, and I'm essentially like a chief of staff for the VP of sales. Being a chief of staff was secretly one of my dream jobs.
- I experienced the most spiritual growth and the most continual spiritual high & joy in my 27th year than any other year
- I joined the most charismatic congregation I've ever been in Church-wise.
- I've interacted with the most guys than I ever have in the past and have gone on more blind dates than any other year
- I started painting. I finally have a hobby.
- I have the most faith, the most optimism and the most hope than I have ever had in my life
Looking forward: my 28th year
I hope to:
- Finish the year strong at work, discover where I fit best and what I want to do in my next job/role/rotation. AKA figure out my next dream job and move towards it
- Move towards my calling. I'll leave it vague, but I have direction and planned or existing action
- Take risks for God. I hope my 28th year will be the year of the most risks I've ever taken for God, and the year where I have the least amount of 'fear of man'
- Carry optimism and hope in the midst of hurt, chaos, low morale, confusion. I'm excited that opportunities might come up for my optimism and hope to be truly tested. I've rarely been successful at carrying hope when I'm surrounded by hopelessness, but I have hope that I can pass the test this time, because I have faith in God. Hope is just as contagious as pessimism and I want to be a carrier of hope, of encouragement. I want to be a life-giver because God is the life-giver and He lives in me
- Discover my role in my congregation/Church
- Start a meaningful project that I really like
- Become debt-free
wow, I haven't ever been this direct with my goals, and this direct/show-off-y with my successes. But this is the mood I'm in today, so here it is! Here's my open honest direct post of my life in a very optimistic light. I choose to remember the good and all that God has done in my life. He redeems.