Saturday, February 17, 2018

I live to Worship

I know worship is more than just worship with music, but I love worshiping God with music. I love God's presence. 

Pastor Tong spoke on Wednesday, and said that there are 3 things that help us keep our fire/love for God. One of them is worship. When you let your heart and mind linger on your life difficulties, it's going to be hard to experience God, but when you start to worship, you intentionally turn your mind and affections towards God. You remember the work of God on your life; you recall the grace and compassion He has shown you; once again, you remember His greatness and His faithfulness and His unfailing love towards you. (Clip below)

Today and yesterday, there were times I just felt fairly lonely and sad. It's tempting to feel that way when the weekend comes and I don't have people that I love, to hang out with. It's kind of funny, but my mom felt the same way on Thursday, since my dad is in Taiwan and my brother is in Europe. She told a few friends to come over and that she'd whip something together, but all her friends couldn't make it at the last minute and she ended up spending Chinese New Year by herself. She was telling me: "you can't trust friends" and saying that she realized that she "still needs daddy". I just smiled. In my head I was like, I knew that a long time ago; you only figured that out now?  -- But at the same time, I knew that was the wrong way to think about the situation. It's tempting to look at the world in a jaded way, and to feel lonely, or pity yourself, but I think the actual reality is that we're all so so blessed to know Jesus, as cheesy as that may sound. It's like my other post 2 weeks ago: we get to spend time with Jesus. It's easy to think of what we wish we had, and forget that we already have everything because we have Jesus. So, yesterday and today, I spent some time 'fighting' negative thoughts, but as soon as I started worshiping, I was filled with joy and gratefulness and no longer needed to "fight". As soon as I started worshiping God, I truly realized how blessed I am to know God.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Keeping your Freedom

"Never let the fear of temptation or the reality of temptation make you second guess or redefine your level of freedom. You are free regardless of what things may come at you. I think success in this area looks like focusing on the things you get to do, not on the things you have to give up or let go"
"My next level of breakthrough and freedom lies in the pursuit of Him and His will"

When I heard this quote today, especially the first sentence, it freed me instantly from confusion. I immediately claimed back the freedom (or the 'level of freedom') that I already had in Christ. Obviously, we all are free in Christ, but there is a process to walk into greater 'levels' of freedom and breakthrough, and that's what I mean here. God has already done a great work in me, but sometimes I am tempted to think that something is still wrong and I'm still battling with the same things, and if I'm battling with the same things, did I really receive freedom? Yes, I did. I have received so much freedom. There is always a temptation to be confused, to fear, to hold onto insecurities. But as soon as I heard this quote, my heart resonated so much with it. The fears, confusion and insecurity left me, and God's joy filled me. Now I'm excited to pursue after my next level of breakthrough/freedom/intimacy with Him. This is what I get to do every day.