It's funny to see how people reacted to the Santa Barbara shootings.
Some people claim it's all about the gun control--how he shouldn't have been allowed to so easily buy a gun. Some people ranted about how his parents should have paid more attention to his health condition rather than spoil him, ignore him and get him a BMW. I guess in the end, it's just so many different things. And there's no one solution, although technically there is. but it still takes a lot... to get the solution implemented... (If I'm allowed to talk about Jesus that way).
It's easy to be like: oh yes, the solution is Jesus. Every problem, every pain, every wrong thing. Jesus.
Umm, really? Do we even believe that? What does it mean that the solution is Jesus?
Well, God is love, so the solution is love. God's love. The love that we cannot comprehend. The love that is deeper and wider and more faithful than we can ever fathom. I guess if you elaborate it like that, perhaps God is the solution for everything.
And then there are things like money. We don't think about that as much in the middle class world. We forget those movies where the husband and wife become poor and the wife starts yelling at the romantic husband because she's too anxious about the lack of money. And the marriage falls apart because of money. If you didn't know, the divorce rate is 30% higher for families with household incomes below 50K. (of course there could be other factors correlated, but I personally think money solves a lot of problems and a lot of fights). But theoretically, if you had enough of God's love, it wouldn't matter.
I don't know. I've never been left out to starve. Never even fasted more than 1 day. Never desired God or missed anyone so bad that I simply forget to eat for a long period of time.
Well, what can we say? Even the bible admits to the practical stuff. Don't say "keep warm and well fed" without actually giving people real food (James 2:16). Love has to come with action. And even God himself gives good gifts--and sometimes these gifts are food/financials. He provides!
In any case, God is actually the solution, even though it sounds so cheesy and cliche for those who grew up in the Church.
God is the solution, but sometimes it's hard to have faith that He is.