In my women's book study, someone asked an interesting question about the Mary & Martha passage (Luke 10). She asked: "How would you recreate the story?"
Someone said they would have Mary and Martha both do the work so they could finish it in half the time and both sit at Jesus' feet.
Someone else said they would have both of them sit at Jesus' feet, and just have faith that Jesus would provide the food. (just like how He fed the 10,000)
At the time, I said I would have them do the same thing, except that Martha would serve joyfully instead of bitterly, and that Martha wouldn't pick on Mary like that. It seems that Martha has the gift of serving, or the tendency to serve. If you have that tendency, then go do it, but without self-righteousness or complaint. She should think to herself that by working, she can allow Mary to spend time with Jesus. It's just like how some husbands and wives have to rotate watching the baby while the other is inside listening to the service at Church or a retreat. When my brother was a baby, my dad always walked him when he cried in restaurants--so that the rest of us could have a good time. My dad always makes the sacrifice, and never complains.
But now, thinking about the passage again, I think I would just have both of them sit at Jesus' feet. Whether or not Jesus does a miracle and makes food is not important. physical Food is not as important as Spiritual food. They can fast for a meal for all I care. If I was Mary, I would want Martha to also sit by Jesus' feet and share my love for Jesus with me. It seems like in the passage Martha is not "getting" Jesus' presence. If you were really overwhelmed by His presence, you wouldn't behave like Martha.
Funny thing is that every bible study where they discuss this Mary Martha passage, more people say they relate to Martha than to Mary. Maybe because I related more to Mary, I recreated the story at first with Martha still doing the work. But deep inside, I do desire for all the Martha-tendency people to sit and enjoy God without worrying. If my dad went to a retreat, i wouldn't want him worrying about what time to pick up my brother from the kids' center; i would want him to be engaged, and to listen to the word of God