He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that what he cannot lose
just reading through my favorite quotes. I can't believe this super cliche popular quote could still stand out
duh stupid. why is it so easy to miss the big picture....... we can't keep any of this anyway; whatever comfortable great position and life state we are in, it won't last forever. You can't keep it. In high school, it was my teachers. Sadly, they change every year. And now... it's everything... any part of my life could change at any given moment. Working at a fast paced brand new continuously growing company instills this lack-of-comfort-zone mentality in you. One month you could be working with someone, and the next thing you know, they've been switched to another group. And the next thing you know you're in charge of their project instead. That kind of thing x10. Rules change, HR policies change, group dynamics change. In a way I'm grateful for this fast paced industry. At least I can learn (again and again) that nothing ever stays the same, and there is no one and no situation that I can ever keep.
Hard to let go of the planner and forecasting mentality. "Life's an adventure"-- Well, that's only really romantic if you are adventuring it with someone. And I guess I do have someone; I just forget sometimes. That's probably why I haven't been seeing it as an adventure lately.