Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Quotes from Management

"You don't get rewarded for activity. You get rewarded for results"
"Do more with less" (less people, money, time, etc.)
"Everyone's replaceable"

~Quotes from upper management at department meeting.

My reaction to quotes: ....

Anyway, although I myself would have not have publicly said those things to my employees, I'm sure those quotes are basic principles of any business (across probably many industries).

The principles in the workplace are actually the exact opposite of those of God's Kingdom.
The workplace is all about performance. Results. Effort counts a bit, but not really. It's really all about performance. But don't work too much because you're supposed to "do more with less" time/people.  Oh, and you are always replaceable. 

Man, all these false principles just hit me these past two days. Quite a depressing realization actually. Made me think about how awesome God is , as my heavenly Father. I thought about all that throughout small group yesterday. That I'm so so glad I don't have to perform to get daddy's approval. I always know that he always accepts me. That I am valuable and unique and loved, his beloved daughter. Just that confidence and knowledge is so precious and sweet to the soul, like honey. Really. --and lucky for me, this applies to both my earthly parents and my heavenly father (though of course no human is perfect)

Sure, there are still some things that look the same. Like teamwork, being joyful, being humble, peace-making, covering for each other's mistakes, encouraging each other, changing the culture, etc. So, on a day-to-day basis, it is really great. But deep inside the veins of every business is money and performance.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Grateful & Generous

Two words that I would like to have characterize my life.
with respect to God, of course.And because of Him

Sunday, November 18, 2012

what does love look like?

What does love look like? is the question I've been pondering.
What does love look like, if all of life comes down to love.
~arms wide open

What does love look like?
 man, love does not look like me.

I'm so glad I caught the message at Light (at cornell). Yes, indeed the gospel message is so beautiful and so real. For a while now, i have been really sucked into other aspects of my life, getting caught up with doing stuff, being good at stuff, looking good, being right, being respected, being cool, accepted, friendly. It's all so, so selfish; it's all about me. Who am I? I am nothing, a vapor, a mist that is here and then gone. I am nothing. I am so, so weak (and I feel that reality more so now that I am beginning to get burnt out). Yet, though I am weak, I am strong. Though I am a vapor, I can move mountains. Though I once was lost and orphaned, I am now God's beloved and chosen.His precious daughter, equipped with all power and authority, with His love that transforms me and His truth that renews my mind each day. I have everything.

So blessed this weekend, visiting Cornell. So much love shown to me. Really needed the message and the people. Thank you for showing me love and sharing your life with me. Pray for me please.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Becoming a jerk

"Why do you think I have the reputation for being a jerk? That's how I get my work done"

Lol... this is a job where people-pleasing will burn you out

Monday, November 5, 2012

Uprooted tree

Probably one of our tallest trees. Uprooted just like that.

Just like that.

I wonder how long my parents are going to leave it like that. Probably until next year

alright that's like what. 2 analogies to life right there? lol.