These are four testimonies from this year that God wants me to share:
Last semester, at the interfellowship prayer meeting in the plant science building, after the worship, I felt God telling me to tell a certain sister that He really loves her, is pleased with her and is proud of her. So I just went up to her and told her that I felt that God wanted to tell her this. Since it was such a common/general thing, I didn't think much of it (like I didn't think it would have any impact), except that I wanted to obey God. I actually had forgotten that I had told her that.
But last week, she came up to me and told me that what I said to her last semester really helped her to decide to go to a foreign country for missions this summer, because at the time she was really struggling to decide. I was like WOAH; that is so cool. God is so good.
Second testimony:
During the days of Easter Prayer tent, on Saturday, I had just come back to my apartment from a CBS junior class prayer meeting and I was standing in the living room talking to someone, when all of a sudden I felt this very strong urge to go to the Easter Prayer tent. However, I really didn't want to go because I really wanted to start doing my schoolwork (in order to not make it seem like I am lazy and mooching off of people--and I knew I needed to improve in this area) and also, I knew a couple sisters who were already going to go, and I didn't want to make it seem like I was just going because they were going. But I feared God, so I knew I had to go, because this sudden urge was so strong that it could only be from God. So, I was actually in mid-conversation with this sister in the living room, when all of a sudden I let out this big sigh/groan "UGH" and was like "Sorry, I have to go", and I rushed out the door and walked quickly. When I got to the law school building, I saw someone who I had not seen or talked to for a year. I began to talk to her and we had a lengthy/awesome conversation. After talking, we walked together back to my apartment building. A couple weeks, later I felt led to email her to ask her how she was doing since we last talked. This led into more sharing and accountability between the both of us, and in the last email, she wrote that she was thankful to have met me in front of the law school building because she had been praying about talking to someone, and that it really amazes her how good God is. After she wrote that in the email, I remembered how God led me there in the first place.
Often, God does not tell me exactly why I need to go somewhere, but He tells me to go. And usually, even though I think I'm going to location A, I am really supposed to go to location C, and God leads me to location C as I am walking to location A.
One day after meeting with someone in the physical science building, I began to walk home. Shortly after I started walking home, I felt God tell me to go to the Cornell store. I wasn't sure if it was just me or if it was God, because sometimes I feel an urge to do random spontaneous things. But I figured that it couldn't hurt to go. So I went, thinking that maybe I need to buy some earphones. I looked through the earphones, but they were kind of expensive and I already had earphones. So then I went downstairs, and there I saw a friend that I hadn't seen for almost a year, and it was really cool that I got to talk to her for a long while. This is not just any friend, but there is a particular reason why I knew that this was from God. For privacy sake, I will not share in more detail about this friend.
I went to six flags a couple weekends ago. We wanted to come back to Ithaca saturday night/sunday morning. Our plan was to get on the 8:30pm bus from six flags to Port Authority, NY, and then get on the 11pm shortline bus from NY to Ithaca, arriving in Ithaca at 4am. However, the 8:30pm bus from six flags was full, so we had to get on the 9pm bus. We got to NY at 10:40pm and had 20 minutes in this huge multi-floor building to find out where to buy shortline tickets and get on our bus. The escalators were closed off, so we had to use the elevator, which means we had to wait for the elevator. Then it took us forever running around to find out where to purchase tickets. Random parts of the building were closed off with yellow tape, which confused us even more. There were 3 of us from Cornell who had to get on this bus. I and another brother ended up running off to find the ticket booth without the third sister, because she was too slow. We finally found the booth, around the corner in this deserted area that was almost all closed off from yellow tape (not sure how we managed to find this ticket-selling booth), and bought 3 tickets. Then we ran back to find the third sister; I tried calling her, but she didn't pick up. I called someone else who I thought would be with her, but he didn't pick up either. But thankfully we found her on the way and gave her her ticket and told her to run with us. We ran down escalators, through hallways, to the fourth floor, where there were rows and rows of people in different lines waiting for buses. There were no signs anywhere that told us which line was for the ithaca bus, and we had 5 minutes to figure it out before the bus was going to leave. We asked people if they were on the line for shortline buses, and they said "no, these are NJ transit buses; shortline is probably in another building". We were like.... what other building? How do we get there? There was no time. The other sister suggested we just go outside where the rows of buses were, so we ran outside. Rows and rows of buses were lined up. We ran through the lot. I was running ahead of them and chose a bus and started running towards it, the other two followed. I asked the driver what bus this was, and it happened to be the exact bus we were looking for. All three of us got on the bus, and right after we got on--maybe a minute after--the bus left for ithaca. It was just amazing--how we got the tickets, how we picked the right bus to run towards, how we decided to go outside and not listen to the people who were telling us to go to another building. All of this happened so fast; there was no time for decision-making; everything was by impulse and running.
Several days later I talked to the brother and he said that when we were running towards the bus, he knew it was the right bus, and he said that the other sister also told him that she knew too, that it was the right bus. I was like WOAH; that's so cool. God is amazing. I love it when God leads people like that. And so we got back at 4am; if we had missed that bus, we would have had to wait until morning for the next bus.
I want to know God and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so to somehow attain to the resurrection from the dead.
Not that I have already obtained all this or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me ~Philippians 3