Sunday, March 20, 2011

Doubting Introspection; Loving the Word

Just a reminder to myself and others that too much introspection is dangerous!
I was reminded from a timely sermon, but also from my bad introspection-on-the-25-hour-bus-ride experience this past day. Afterwards, I just felt so disconnected from people. And I know that is a dangerous place to be--to feel disconnected from the body of Christ. So I think I'm going to stop this introspection and instead eat the bread of life and truth, and speak truth to myself.

Bill Johnson: "I used to do it [--introspection--] so often that I developed a habit of living introspectively. I wanted to serve the Lord right; I wanted to walk in great purity".

"The seasons that I do well, I just love serving You and I'm not really concerned about all this stuff"


"Take that Word--it's a two edged sword--so it actually cuts deep, but brings healing at the same time"

In other words, God's Word is better than introspection, better than anything we can find within ourselves. Because His Word gives life and changes us.

"In the natural, you get hungry by not eating. In the spiritual you get hungry by eating. If you lack hunger, eat."

which reminds me of a song: The More I Seek You
o God, you're so beautiful. This is one of those songs that makes my heart ache.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I am...

fully loved,
fully accepted

I have nothing to lose,
nothing to prove,
nothing to hide

and I am free to make mistakes

Yesterday at BB meeting, we were asked to remember those six things (listed above), and each day this week to see which one speaks out to us the most and why, and record the situations in which we experience God being present in our lives. This is a great way to share your testimony of each week, each day. You don't always have to share your life testimony. Your testimony is how God is with you every day and week, and month.

I am fully loved; I do not need to earn love, or be afraid of losing it. That one spoke to me yesterday.